Entries by Lori

CWST Cleaning & Disinfection

In water treatment, the cleaning & disinfection of cold water storage tanks is imperative to ensure the water going though your system is clean, safe and free from debris.

The Importance of TMV Maintenance

Thermostatic Mixing Valves (TMVs) are devices designed to regulate and control the temperature of water at the point of use. They are commonly used in plumbing systems to ensure the delivery of safe and comfortable water temperatures.

Energy Savings in Water Treatment

Water is a precious resource that is essential for our survival and plays a crucial role in industrial processes. However, excessive water consumption in industrial settings not only strains our water supplies but also results in significant financial and energy costs.

Steam Traps Case Study

Manufacturing company gains cost savings on steam loss and reduced carbon emissions immediately after installing DCO Steam Trap Monitors.


On average, 10% of steam traps fail annually. And with the steep increase in fuel prices, this means the cost of steam loss is getting more and more expensive.

Recycling Water

Recycled water is an important resource that helps us conserve water and protect our environment