Sanosil SO10 is an extremely effective disinfectant for use in highly contaminated or organically contaminated surfaces. This product disinfects and removes the threat posed by viruses including Coronavirus (COVID- 19). Sanosil S010 has demonstrated its viricidal efficacy in accordance with the requirements of the UNE-EN 14476 test, making it suitable for eliminating the human coronavirus COVID-19. Sanosil S010 eliminates the pathogen in just 30 minutes after application to any surface or object.
This product is perfect for medical / laboratory applications, veterinary applications, water damage restoration or to fight highly contagious germs
S010 fights bacteria, viruses, yeasts, fungi (including moulds), bacterial endospores and a broad protozoan spectrum. (Bactericidal, mycobactericidal, tuberculocidal, viricidal, fungicidal, sporicidal)
It is based on the proven Sanosil Hydrogen Peroxide / Silver formulation and comes ready-to-use. In addition, this disinfectant is effective for the decontamination of environments through its application in the form of mist or vaporization. Sanosil S010 disinfectant leaves no chemical residue.
AquaChem Ltd are the sole distributers of Sanosil products in Ireland. We have a stock of S010 and S006 chemicals.
We also carry a range of foggers and can recommend a reputable partner to work with our customers for fogging or deep cleaning. Please see our online shop if you should wish to purchase any of our products online.
For more information please call Barry Higgins at AquaChem Ltd.
Mobile +353 (0) 87 9878606 or your local representative.
Landline: +353 (0) 1 8252775
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