Recycling Water
Water reuse refers to water that has been treated to remove impurities and contaminants so that it can be used for a variety of purposes. In order for water to be reused, it must first be treated to ensure that nearly all contaminants are removed from the water.
People and organisations are becoming more environmentally conscious and are making efforts to become more sustainable and one of biggest ways we can go green is by recycling water.
Water reuse is able to bolster water sustainability and security.
What is water recycling?
Water recycling is the process of treating wastewater or water that would otherwise have been put down the drain (grey water), for re-use in your own or another company’s industrial cycles.
The process of recycling water typically involves several stages of treatment, including physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove impurities such as solids, organic matter, and harmful bacteria. The treated water is then disinfected before it is used for its intended purpose.
Why is it important?
There is no denying that there is a shortage of water on the planet, and by recycling water you do not have to take water from other areas. When the water is recycled, it makes it easy for places like the wetlands to keep their water supplies.
Recycling water takes wastewater and reuses it, so instead of routing it directly into the nearest river or ocean where it could spread pollution and disrupt the aquatic life it can be reused within your facility.
Reusing your water also saves you money. Removing contaminants from your waste, recycling it and creating a ‘closed loop water management process’ makes a lot of commercial sense.
Many companies are currently paying over the odds for mains water supply and disposal, as well as being hit with effluent charges for the pollutants they are pumping back into the sewage system.
Recycling your water, therefore, can:
- Reduce the amount you will pay for incoming water use
- Reduce the amount you have to pay for water and waste disposal
- Lower the overall environmental impact of your operations
Finding new, commercially efficient ways to handle potentially harmful waste is one of the most pressing challenges for those interested in developing a safer, more circular and sustainable industrial economy.
Any other upsides?
Depending on the level of treatment it is given the wastewater from factories, processing plants and farms can be reused by you and others for:
- Looping back into your processes
- Landscape and crop irrigation
- Environmental enhancement
- Countless other potable and non-potable industrial uses
Water reuse is highly important if you want to protect the environment and make sure that water isn’t wasted at a high rate. When properly treated, most wastewater can be reused across an array of different applications and industries, which ensures that natural water supplies don’t need to be accessed as often. If you decide to reuse water for some purpose, make sure that you use the correct water treatment system that will remove nearly all contaminants.