Why SolidTek® should be used for your water treatment.

Without a good water treatment plan your equipment is at risk of being exposed to dangerous bacteria and equipment failure.

With every effective water treatment plan, the best chemicals should be used, that’s why we use SolidTek® chemicals.

Offering a complete range of chemicals, from inhibitors to biocides, these chemicals deliver high performance scale, corrosion and bio-fouling control for cooling water, closed loop and steam boiler systems.

Compact, lightweight, and easy and safe to handle, these water treatment chemicals are a superior alternative to bulky, heavy, and potentially hazardous liquid chemicals. Plus, they come in fully recyclable packaging, reducing waste contributions.

Chemicals from SolidTek® DELIVER on so many levels –

BETTER for the environment
DELIVER financial benefits/cost savings
AS EFFECTIVE as liquid chemicals
EASY TO SWITCH from liquid to solids
LIGHTWEIGHT and compact
SAFE to transport and handle
Come in RECYCLABLE packaging

How they benefit you

  • Compact and lightweight; reduced transport, fuel and storage costs
  • Easy and safe to handle and transport
  • Eliminates chemical spills
  • No loose powders
  • No bulky drums to store and dispose of
  • Zero hazardous waste
  • Reduces COSHH impact
  • Fully recyclable packaging
  • Low carbon footprint
  • Significant overall cost savings vs. liquid chemicals
  • Aids IPPC and ISO 14000 complianc