Our clients’ chilled water systems had been deteriorating for some time and there was no device on the market which could solve the problem. Multiple attempts to correct the systems were tried and tested, but with no long lasting success we anticipated a costly flush of the entire system was needed.

Then, in early 2022 we used our new DosaFil® – Duo device and the improvement was immediate. After only 8 weeks the water quality, PH & Iron levels have drastically improved, with the equipment running much more efficiently.


Large pharmaceutical plant in Dublin


Aquachem have looked after this clients’ water treatment for over 3 years, and since then, their chilled systems have always experienced some issues.

The site has 2 chilled systems with approx. 30,000L running through the system at all times.

Our engineers tried a number of possible solutions to rectify this, however these were not successful. The Iron levels gradually began to rise again, and the PH levels would start to drop making the water very acidic.

After talking to site, our Technical Director explained action would need to be taken as soon as possible as the pipework was at danger of being destroyed, which would result in expensive repairs and downtime.

At the time the only long-term solution would be to take the Glycol out and do a full flush of the system with new chemicals and water added. Due to the size of the system this work would cost upwards of €80,000 and had a number of disadvantages:

  • Costly downtime
  • Additional labour
  • No Guarantee it would last long term

Some weeks after the quote was put forward to our client, we began a partnership with DosaFil® and knew this technology would be perfect for the site.

We installed the DosaFil®-Duo device along with SolidTek® solid chemicals and noticed the remarkable results immediately.

After 1 week the fine filtration filter bag needed to be changed due to the sediment build up and within 2 weeks we could visually notice an improvement in the water quality, with PH levels increasing from 5.8 to 6.6. After 2 weeks the pH had stabilized at 7.0 so the system was neutral. This allowed for more filtration to take place.

Thanks to this device the chilled system can run much more efficiently, saving time and money for our client.



  • Continuous monitoring of the water was being carried out
  • Different possible solutions were attempted, however these were not long lasting
  • It was recommended a full flush of the system was carried out
    • This quote was along time being considered due to expense, time, downtime & labour
  • Aquachem partnered with DosaFil® who are designers and manufacturers of high end water conditioning equipment and believed their DosaFil® – Duo device would solve the issues site was having


  • The DosaFil® unit was installed at the end of January 2022
    • Installation was carried out within 1 day
    • No downtime was required for installation
  • SolidTek® online cleaners, biocides & corrosions inhibitors were used with the device
  • The filter was closely monitored and within 1 week had to be removed due to sludge build up
  • After 2 weeks a sample was taken and already the water looked cleared
  • PH levels were increasing from 5.8 – 6.6 and Iron levels have decreased
  • After 8 weeks the water has dramatically improved and the systems is working a lot more efficiently


  • This was our first DosaFil® installation and treatment program so extra care and attention to detail was taken
  • This is a new product in Ireland so we have to ensure our client trusted us and the system before installation
  • It is a busy pharmaceutical building so we had to make any disruption was kept to an absolute minimum
  • Specific PPE equipment had to be worn


They say a picture paints a thousand words…

After trying to resolve the issues for some time, we were delighted to find a product which not only cleans the system so quickly but does so without system downtime.

This 12 week treatment programme will enable the chilled system to work far more efficiently which our customer will soon be able to see in their energy bills.


Chilled systems are prone to issues and they are never easy to solve, in this particular case it was going to cost our client a lot of money to attempt to resolve same. While this was our first DosaFil® device installation where we were fully in control we were extremely optimistic that it would work.

While we believed it would work, we did not expect such positive results to be achieved so soon. Ourselves and our clients could see visually see the results getting better, which gave comfort to our client that this solution was working.

We are proud to be sole distributor for DosaFil® in Ireland and are glad to be able to offer this product to all of our other clients.

If you want to find out more about DosaFil® contact us on Tel: +353 18 252 775 or E-mail: